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Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - JAYNE EATTS / LESLEY HEAP
  Match Opponent Matchpoints Percentage Cum. Rank
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 1GLENDA VINCENT / ROSEMARY CARLETON (20) 99.052.1%19
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 2RICHARD METCALFE / WENDY O'BRIEN (11) 43.022.6%37
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 3DAWN WATTS / LORRAINE RIGBY (37) 107.056.3%32
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 4KATH POOLE / KEN SEANIGER (9) 66.034.7%36
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 5MAVIS ANDERSON / MARGARET DOAK (34) 90.047.4%35
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 6PATSY MILLAR / DELL DAWSON (21) 103.054.2%33
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 7PAULA GIBB / BRIAN BLACKMORE (30) 69.036.3%35
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 8MARILIN ROBINS / FAYE WRIGHT (27) 107.056.3%35
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 9JULIE O'NEILL / BROEK HELEN VAN DEN (39) 95.050.0%33
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 10JACKIE MCKENNA / ELAINE MACRAE (32) 120.063.2%29
Yeppoon Swiss Pairs - Round 11PENELOPE JOHNSON / SUE ROHRIG (36) 117.061.6%25

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